Homework Week of Oct. 28- Nov. 1
Need 9 AR Points Total By Friday
Reading- Read 20 Minutes
Writing- Write a GIST about what you read
Math-Workbook pgs. 49 and 50 (even numbers)
Science- Planet Brochure Due Nov. 5
Reading- Read 20 Minutes
Writing- Write a GIST about what you read
Math-Workbook pgs. 51 and 52 (even numbers)
Science- Homework- TAG questions on pg 181 Planet Brochure Due Nov. 5
Reading- Read 20 MinutesWriting- Write a GIST about what you read
Math-Workbook pg. 53 #1-8
Science- Planet Brochure Due Nov. 5
Reading- Read 20 MinutesWriting- Write a GIST about what you read
Math- Workbook pgs. 49 and 51 (Odd Numbers)
Science- Homework – Read pgs 188-189 Planet Brochure Due Nov. 5
Reading- Read 2 HoursWriting- Write a GIST about what you read
Science-Homework: Study Guide Planet Brochure Due Nov. 5