
Title:    Opinions and Point of View Unit 5 
            W.1.1.a-d. Text Types and Purposes                                                        Subject(s): Writing

                                                                                                                                    Grade(s): 4

Key Learning(s): Students will become aware of the elements of persuasive text. Students will write opinion pieces on topics or texts supporting a point of view with reasons and information.

Unit Essential Question(s):  How is opinion writing used in the real world?

Concept: LA. persuasive text
LA. persuasive techniques

W.1.1.a- Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion and create an organizational structure in which related ideas are grouped to support the writer’s purpose.
W.1.1.b. - Provide reasons that are supported by facts and details.
W.1.1.c. - Link opinion and reasons using words and phrases (e.g. For instance, in order to, in addition.)
W.1.1.d. - Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented.
Lesson Essential Questions:

What are the advantages of having supporting arguments for your proposed ideas?

Lesson Essential Questions:

Why is it important to clearly introduce a topic and state an opinion?
Why is it important to provide an organizational structure and provide reasons?
Lesson Essential Questions:
What is the function of transitional phrases? Why are they important?

What is the purpose of a concluding statement?

Persuade, arguments, viewpoint, convince, debate, evidence, validity, controversy


Opinion, support, facts, details, point of view, reasons.

Phrases, concluding statement

Embedded:  W.4.10- Range of Writing- Write routinely over extended time frames. Time for research, reflection and revision. Completing a writing in a single sitting.
L3.1f- subject-verb agreement
L.3.3a- Words and phrases for effect.
L.4.1f-Complete sentences, fragments, run-ons
L.4.1g-Correctly uses frequently confused words.
L.4.3a-Coveys ideas precisely.
L4.3b-Choose punctuation for effect.
Unit Map 3- Refining elements
DBQ project- Social Studies

Grade Level: 4
Course: Writing
Unit Title: Opinion Unit 5
W.1.1.a-d Text Types and Purposes
Time Frame: March 3- May 2, 2014
Stage 1- Identify Desired Results
Students will know…
Students will understand…
Students will be able to…
Persuasive text is used to support an argument.

The difference between fact and opinion.

Opinion pieces must have a supporting point of view with reasons and information.
Persuasive texts need to have supporting arguments with detailed evidence.

There are required elements that must be included in an opening paragraph.

Related ideas are grouped to support the writer’s purpose.

Transitional phrases are necessary to link opinions and reasons.

Conclusions must wrap up or restate opinions.

Write a persuasive text that establishes and develops a controlling idea.

Introduce a topic clearly.

State an opinion.

Create an organizational structure.

Provide reasons.

Link opinion and reasons using words and phrases.

Provide a concluding statement.

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